Tag Archives: middle class


Keeping things sweet. Hammond wants more from the poor.

Keeping things sweet. Hammond wants more from the poor.

At school you always had one kid in your class that no matter how you tried, you hated. You know the one I mean. The spoiled brat that was teachers pet all at the same time. In the case of the coalition the teacher’s pet or Cameron’s cat has to be defence secretary, Philip Hammond. Yesterday, with the backing of former military leaders, he said that the defence department couldn’t take any more cuts. He added that any cuts to be made should come from the welfare bill. Thats right, welfare. £28 BILLION already cut and this tory action man, darling of the right wants even more taken from the poor. A recent poll showed that only 27% of the public support further cuts to welfare. Charites throughout the nation brace themselves for a massive rise in our homeless and hungry population due to the introduction of the BEDROOM tax and this ivory tower dwelling fascist wants bombs not benefits. The more moderate amongst you must now see that the policies of Hammond and the coalition are not designed to save this country from financial ruin but are carefully constructed ideological attacks on the working class. To put weapons like TRIDENT, costing £22.000 every six minutes before the needs of the most vulnerable in society is sick! To call upon the working class to sacrifice our children in the wars of capitalism like those in Iraq and Afghanistan with one hand and do his best to take away the safety blanket of the welfare state with the other shows the contempt this man and his party has for working people. The comments made yesterday got no response from One Nation Labour. Milliband was to busy reading his paper and debating the things that matter to a middle class intellectual like him. You know the subjects I mean, Marks and spencer ready meal or a quick trip to Costa for an organic goats milk coffee? Nothing to say as yet another attack was made on the very people he wants to vote for him. This is the very same Labour leader that will keep Trident, replace it at a cost of £300 billion. The man who will continue our “special relationship” with America, send our kids to die and keep cutting welfare to look good. VOTE LABOUR if you want more of what we already have. The time has come, no more. We need action not words. I call on the trade union movement to withdraw funding to One Nation Labour. I ask them as defenders of the workers to call a GENERAL STRIKE! I ask all socialists from all groups and parties to unite together to bring this fascist coalition to an end. We cannot take anymore of them or their cuts. If people like Hammond can hold the working class and poor in such a narrow-minded view then surely it is up to us to show him and his class that we will not stand for their attacks anymore. The time has come comrades to fight back with all we have. Labour will not defend us so we must do it ourselves. Winston.


Two Ed's are better than one? Not in this case.

Two Ed’s are better than one? Not in this case.

It’s the most traffic that this blog as ever received. The piece I wrote yesterday, Friday feeling, Cameron out cold has been visited by well over seven hundred people. Add the debate on Twitter, the comments of support and you begin to see that most working class people feel the same, Milliband and One Nation Labour no longer have the voice of the workers. What UKIP has done for the right is what most people now want a new left-wing movement to do for them. I want to thank everyone that made contact and pushed the blog online. A big thank you to all those that voiced their opinions. So what next? It is time to reclaim the Labour party. We either do this or unite all the other parties of the left and form a new socialist alliance. Easier said than done I think most of you would agree. It is the timing that counts. Cameron is weak and feeling the heat of his back benchers. Questions are being asked about his leadership and a stalking horse will be being selected this weekend at some country retreat. Lets hope Iceland or Tesco don’t find out or the poor sod could end up in a burger. The Conservative right are split. This leaves Clegg. He maybe smug after Eastleigh but he knows this is only buying him time. Sooner or later the Lib Dems are going to jump ship and pull out of the coalition. Will they want to take the man who dragged them into this mess with them? Now we come to Ed Milliband and his One nation Labour. From the feed back I got yesterday there is growing unrest at grass-roots level within the Labour party. Most want to see a move to the left and policies that reflect their concerns over the ideological attacks on the welfare state by the coalition. Milliband is seen as weak and indecisive. He is not standing up for the poor or the working class. Nothing is being done to stop the attacks on the disabled, the benefit system, the unions. This growing unrest, a split coalition and the rise of the right make this the perfect time to push for a left-wing agenda. Our MP’s need to be told that we want our party back. A socialist party that puts our class before others. A party that is willing to defend the welfare state and not sit back and watch it destroyed and then wash its hands. Members of the party need to start putting on the pressure. If this fails then a new socialist movement of the left will be the only alternative. I for one would be more than willing to help form it and I know of plenty more out there that feel the same. They, like me feel that Labour no longer hold the support of working class people. If we cannot change this then we will have to build a new party. It has been done before and we can do it again. Winston.