Tag Archives: war

H & H, DEALING IN DEATH est 2010

Taking us to war and make money for the rich.

Taking us to war and make money for the rich.

It maybe a coincidence that the Foreign secretary and the defence secretary both had something to say on Sunday. Maybe I read far too much into their words. However the timing was perfect. First Hannibal Hammond said that defence spending should not be cut anymore and that Welfare should once again come under the coalition axe. Then, within the hour up pops little Willy Hague, the all smiling all dancing foreign secretary. Little Willy will not rule out supplying arms in the future to Syrian rebels. Arms, what arms, when, where, to whom and at what cost to the British tax payer? Two well-timed and well-aimed statements that are softening the ground on which the public stand ready for another war.  When the economy fails and nothing will get it moving return to the good old tory policies of the last century. A war, lots of government spending, lots of private companies getting fat orders and plenty of working class kids killed and off of the unemployment lists. Thats right folks we are getting ready for a nice big war so that we can get things moving here at home. Syria will be the new Afghanistan, a rerun of Iraq. The troops maybe coming home next year but their boots won’t touch British soil for long if Hammond and Hague have their way. Lets remember that Hague has just held talks with his US counter part John Kerry and one thing we can all be sure of is if the USA want a war then we will follow them right into one. Tell your children that the future looks dark and keep them away from military service. Winston


Keeping things sweet. Hammond wants more from the poor.

Keeping things sweet. Hammond wants more from the poor.

At school you always had one kid in your class that no matter how you tried, you hated. You know the one I mean. The spoiled brat that was teachers pet all at the same time. In the case of the coalition the teacher’s pet or Cameron’s cat has to be defence secretary, Philip Hammond. Yesterday, with the backing of former military leaders, he said that the defence department couldn’t take any more cuts. He added that any cuts to be made should come from the welfare bill. Thats right, welfare. £28 BILLION already cut and this tory action man, darling of the right wants even more taken from the poor. A recent poll showed that only 27% of the public support further cuts to welfare. Charites throughout the nation brace themselves for a massive rise in our homeless and hungry population due to the introduction of the BEDROOM tax and this ivory tower dwelling fascist wants bombs not benefits. The more moderate amongst you must now see that the policies of Hammond and the coalition are not designed to save this country from financial ruin but are carefully constructed ideological attacks on the working class. To put weapons like TRIDENT, costing £22.000 every six minutes before the needs of the most vulnerable in society is sick! To call upon the working class to sacrifice our children in the wars of capitalism like those in Iraq and Afghanistan with one hand and do his best to take away the safety blanket of the welfare state with the other shows the contempt this man and his party has for working people. The comments made yesterday got no response from One Nation Labour. Milliband was to busy reading his paper and debating the things that matter to a middle class intellectual like him. You know the subjects I mean, Marks and spencer ready meal or a quick trip to Costa for an organic goats milk coffee? Nothing to say as yet another attack was made on the very people he wants to vote for him. This is the very same Labour leader that will keep Trident, replace it at a cost of £300 billion. The man who will continue our “special relationship” with America, send our kids to die and keep cutting welfare to look good. VOTE LABOUR if you want more of what we already have. The time has come, no more. We need action not words. I call on the trade union movement to withdraw funding to One Nation Labour. I ask them as defenders of the workers to call a GENERAL STRIKE! I ask all socialists from all groups and parties to unite together to bring this fascist coalition to an end. We cannot take anymore of them or their cuts. If people like Hammond can hold the working class and poor in such a narrow-minded view then surely it is up to us to show him and his class that we will not stand for their attacks anymore. The time has come comrades to fight back with all we have. Labour will not defend us so we must do it ourselves. Winston.

The death policy.

William Hague, his foreign policy will leave the people of Palestine up the creek without a paddle.

Once again the UK has involved itself in the conflicts of other nations thanks to its expansionist foreign policy. William Hague foreign secretary has placed the blame for Israels military assault on Palestine at the door of Hamas. A member of the Conservative friends of Israel from the age of 15, Hague couldn’t wait to stick his nose in. His comments of support for Israeli aggression clearly show that the UK is looking for war in the middle east.

The recent trip by the Prime Minister to the UAE on an arms dealing jolly and the ongoing propaganda war against Iran make it clear that UK forces will be deployed in support of Israel to attack Iran. Talk of UK military aid in Syria only adds to the chances of British involvement on the region.Hague’s blaming of Hamas, ruling government of the Palestinian territories is typical. Israel can do what it likes and still receive the full support of both the British and American Governments. Even a Israeli ground offensive which is coming in the next few days will not be seen as an invasion but as a means of protection. Spineless and weak is how I view it.Hamas and it’s supporters are not blameless and should not be seen as the only victims in this conflict. The true victims are the innocent civilians of both sides. These poor people are caught in the middle like all innocent humans during war. American military hardware on one side and Soviet on the other. The great and the good back slapping and supporting whist children died. No effort being made to find peace by any side because it is “policy” to support one side or the other. Can I ask who will support peace?In the 21st century is it not shameful that we still need to use war as a means of resolving disputes?, and when this approach fails which it always does we start looking for another conflict?Mister Hague and all those in the governments playing their part in this conflict need to sit back and look for peaceful means of solving this issue once and for all. A child with a leg blown off has no cares who did it, Israeli bomb or Hamas missile. A leg is a leg and war is war. Winston.

We don’t get fooled again, Labour & Trident.

Angela Smith mp. At a time of cuts she wants Trident, remember this if you work in the public sector!

The TWEET TRIDENT CAMPAIGN is growing fast and a big thank you to all those who follow it on Twitter and here on the blog. Please spread the word and retweet the posts to as many as you can.  Ten more members of the commons got their “Where do you stand on Trident” tweets and yet again nine failed the test. The one person that did have a comment for us was Labour mp Angela Smith who represents Penistone & Stockbridge, Sheffield. She tweeted, “You’re going to be disappointed I think, I’m in favour of retaining Trident and replacing the dated submarine carriers”. Thank you for your views. I have sent Angela another tweet asking her why she supports Trident and hopefully she will return it with her views.

This is no great shock to me and most others within the peace movement. One nation Labour seem to be moving more to the right in most areas of politics and defence can be added to the list. It is a real shame that the party has moved away from its roots. The real shock to me is two-fold. First the number of Labour MP’s that sit on the fence with talk of “unilateral” disarmament, wake up and smell the coffee folks, the cold war is over and this is a cold war argument if ever there was one. The second shock has to be cuts. At a time when the public sector is slowly being dismantled by the coalition Labour MP’s support Trident or sit on the fence. The very same public sector that through trade union support backs most Labour MP’s. Talk about killing the goose, about double standards!
So if you work within the public sector and are facing job loss, pension cuts, longer working hours for a drop in pay you need to be asking why is it that the union you are a member of continues to support a party that has MP’s willing to back the £130 billion Trident replacement plan? This money for Trident would be far better spent maintaining our services than maintaining a weapon of mass destruction.
The other MP’s that failed the Trident tweet test are, Andy Gwynne Lab, Andy Percy Con, Andy Rosindell Con, Andy Selous Con, Andy Slaughter Lab, Andy Stephenson Con, Andy Burnham Lab (second tweet), Angela Eagle Lab, Angie Bray Con. If I do receive any tweets from these MP’s I will update the blog. Ten more MP’s will be sent tweets in the coming days and any findings will be published here. Thank you for all your support and please, please spread the word about the campaign and the blog. Peace to you all, Winston.


Heading for Iran. Sold by us to kill them.

David Cameron was all smiles yesterday as he stepped off the plane. He arrived in the United Arab Emirates on a so-called trade mission. The big deal of the day, 60 Typhoon fighters for the Al Nahyan family, rulers of the UAE. Their record on human rights should preclude them from buying any weapons let alone fighter jets.

This is the latest move in a very dangerous war game. The Royal Air Force are already in the UAE. They claim to there as “Advisors” but the truth is they are part of a forward operating base (FOB). This base is in place for one reason only, military strikes against Iran.

With British forces being pulled out of Afghanistan in or around 2014 the build up to the next war has already begun. The USA and their baby state, Israel are determined that any nuclear plans that Iran has will be destroyed. In order to keep these plans low-key British forces will be slowly deployed in the region under the banner of trade. Typhoon fighter jets will be sold on paper to the defence ministry of the UAE and will fly under a flag of convenience. The truth is that these aircraft and the RAF will be in place ready to strike targets in Iran.

In the past two years we have seen both the leaders of the USA and Israel make speech after speech saying that any plans for nuclear power or weapons that the Iranian government has will result in an armed response. Fine for these nations to have these evil weapons but not for any one else? The same old story of the bully in the play ground. The search for new oil by western nations as already taken us into conflict in Iraq. Iran with its vast oil reserves is a prime target for plunder.

The count down to the death of yet another nation at the hands of the west has begun. The trade deal struck by Cameron may get people waving their flags at a small economic boost. It will not belong before these same flags are being draped over the coffins of yet more of our war dead. Winston.