Tag Archives: spending

H & H, DEALING IN DEATH est 2010

Taking us to war and make money for the rich.

Taking us to war and make money for the rich.

It maybe a coincidence that the Foreign secretary and the defence secretary both had something to say on Sunday. Maybe I read far too much into their words. However the timing was perfect. First Hannibal Hammond said that defence spending should not be cut anymore and that Welfare should once again come under the coalition axe. Then, within the hour up pops little Willy Hague, the all smiling all dancing foreign secretary. Little Willy will not rule out supplying arms in the future to Syrian rebels. Arms, what arms, when, where, to whom and at what cost to the British tax payer? Two well-timed and well-aimed statements that are softening the ground on which the public stand ready for another war.  When the economy fails and nothing will get it moving return to the good old tory policies of the last century. A war, lots of government spending, lots of private companies getting fat orders and plenty of working class kids killed and off of the unemployment lists. Thats right folks we are getting ready for a nice big war so that we can get things moving here at home. Syria will be the new Afghanistan, a rerun of Iraq. The troops maybe coming home next year but their boots won’t touch British soil for long if Hammond and Hague have their way. Lets remember that Hague has just held talks with his US counter part John Kerry and one thing we can all be sure of is if the USA want a war then we will follow them right into one. Tell your children that the future looks dark and keep them away from military service. Winston

The long game

Yesterday will go down as a golden opportunity for Ed Milliband and his new brand “One Nation Labour” to make a clear stand against the Coalitions Military spending at a time of cuts.

£350 million to be spent on phase two nuclear submarine development and all we hear for Labour is “The nations defence is important”. Not a single word on cost from the Labour leader or any other senior Labour figure. The same old middle of the road politics that is designed to keep the middle classes happy.

Time to get off the fence Ed! We heard the comments about “Hard decisions” that will have to be made if you get back into number ten. We know your riding high in the polls, 11 point lead according to today’s Independent. But it’s time for answers. What cuts will a new One Nation Labour government make? Please don’t give me the old line about not knowing what money you will have until you get into office. You could use the “We can’t change what the coalition has done” one but I don’t think I will buy it or millions of others.

You could do something shocking. You could return Labour to its socialist roots and say no to Trident. You could have said this yesterday. “We would invest “350 million into the NHS, welfare or education” could have rolled off your lips. Instead you did what all Labour leaders have done since 1997 and you said and did nothing. You held the centre ground, that ground of the squeezed middle. 75% of the UK population have already said they don’t want Trident, workers, middle class and even the upper classes. Even the lowest of society, the 4th class benefit scrounge’s, the ones whose benefits are being cut to pay for it don’t want it. Yet on we go and you Ed sit back and let it unfold before our eyes.

Labour need to make a stand. Not just on Trident but on the dismantling of the welfare state and NHS. The British people are growing tired of the back slapping and smiles that the three main parties seem to be permanently engaged in. They want to see some one make a stand and stop these ideological attacks on the real things that keep them safe and well, their health service, schools, jobs and welfare. Attack Trident Ed and put the money from it into rebuilding the post coalition nation we all want. Winston