Tag Archives: PALESTINE

The death policy.

William Hague, his foreign policy will leave the people of Palestine up the creek without a paddle.

Once again the UK has involved itself in the conflicts of other nations thanks to its expansionist foreign policy. William Hague foreign secretary has placed the blame for Israels military assault on Palestine at the door of Hamas. A member of the Conservative friends of Israel from the age of 15, Hague couldn’t wait to stick his nose in. His comments of support for Israeli aggression clearly show that the UK is looking for war in the middle east.

The recent trip by the Prime Minister to the UAE on an arms dealing jolly and the ongoing propaganda war against Iran make it clear that UK forces will be deployed in support of Israel to attack Iran. Talk of UK military aid in Syria only adds to the chances of British involvement on the region.Hague’s blaming of Hamas, ruling government of the Palestinian territories is typical. Israel can do what it likes and still receive the full support of both the British and American Governments. Even a Israeli ground offensive which is coming in the next few days will not be seen as an invasion but as a means of protection. Spineless and weak is how I view it.Hamas and it’s supporters are not blameless and should not be seen as the only victims in this conflict. The true victims are the innocent civilians of both sides. These poor people are caught in the middle like all innocent humans during war. American military hardware on one side and Soviet on the other. The great and the good back slapping and supporting whist children died. No effort being made to find peace by any side because it is “policy” to support one side or the other. Can I ask who will support peace?In the 21st century is it not shameful that we still need to use war as a means of resolving disputes?, and when this approach fails which it always does we start looking for another conflict?Mister Hague and all those in the governments playing their part in this conflict need to sit back and look for peaceful means of solving this issue once and for all. A child with a leg blown off has no cares who did it, Israeli bomb or Hamas missile. A leg is a leg and war is war. Winston.