Tag Archives: public sector

We don’t get fooled again, Labour & Trident.

Angela Smith mp. At a time of cuts she wants Trident, remember this if you work in the public sector!

The TWEET TRIDENT CAMPAIGN is growing fast and a big thank you to all those who follow it on Twitter and here on the blog. Please spread the word and retweet the posts to as many as you can.  Ten more members of the commons got their “Where do you stand on Trident” tweets and yet again nine failed the test. The one person that did have a comment for us was Labour mp Angela Smith who represents Penistone & Stockbridge, Sheffield. She tweeted, “You’re going to be disappointed I think, I’m in favour of retaining Trident and replacing the dated submarine carriers”. Thank you for your views. I have sent Angela another tweet asking her why she supports Trident and hopefully she will return it with her views.

This is no great shock to me and most others within the peace movement. One nation Labour seem to be moving more to the right in most areas of politics and defence can be added to the list. It is a real shame that the party has moved away from its roots. The real shock to me is two-fold. First the number of Labour MP’s that sit on the fence with talk of “unilateral” disarmament, wake up and smell the coffee folks, the cold war is over and this is a cold war argument if ever there was one. The second shock has to be cuts. At a time when the public sector is slowly being dismantled by the coalition Labour MP’s support Trident or sit on the fence. The very same public sector that through trade union support backs most Labour MP’s. Talk about killing the goose, about double standards!
So if you work within the public sector and are facing job loss, pension cuts, longer working hours for a drop in pay you need to be asking why is it that the union you are a member of continues to support a party that has MP’s willing to back the £130 billion Trident replacement plan? This money for Trident would be far better spent maintaining our services than maintaining a weapon of mass destruction.
The other MP’s that failed the Trident tweet test are, Andy Gwynne Lab, Andy Percy Con, Andy Rosindell Con, Andy Selous Con, Andy Slaughter Lab, Andy Stephenson Con, Andy Burnham Lab (second tweet), Angela Eagle Lab, Angie Bray Con. If I do receive any tweets from these MP’s I will update the blog. Ten more MP’s will be sent tweets in the coming days and any findings will be published here. Thank you for all your support and please, please spread the word about the campaign and the blog. Peace to you all, Winston.